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Re: How to get OFF this list

On 15 Aug 1996, Mike Yost wrote:

> I have been trying as well.  I intend to simply spam them until they do it.

There's something I've wondered for a long time but never asked.  Since I 
have a mostly spotless record for topicality, I'm going to indulge by asking

How did this, an ostensibly technical list, end up with so many bottom of 
the barrel losers like the one quoted above? There is no other technical
I am on or have ever been on where more "unsubscribe" and "unscibe" and
"unsubibe" messages came to the list; and worse, I've never seen so many
behave as such unforgiveable boors because of their own incompetence.

My guess is that it's listed very early in some non-alphabetical list
of mailing lists.  I'd welcome (privately!) other alternatives or superior


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